The Sustainable Scrapbook – Vol. 012

Volume 12

Welcome to Vol.12 of The Sustainable ScrapbookPoapoa’s fortnightly newsletter helping you discover the latest sustainability news, apps, products & ideas.

In this #earthday edition we feature:

We believe that for our grandchildren to inherit a beautiful world, the change makers need to be heard.

This is our way of sharing their voice with you.

The time is now.
After Blue Planet’s “post-plastic” impact, British treasure’s Sir David Attenborough & the BBC have again teamed up to highlight an apocalyptic plight. This time, climate change. Their hope is that by supplying the facts, we will make better choices for a brighter future. Never has a TV programme been more important.   

Watch Sir David lay out the facts.


Make a real fashion statement.
Even though we know better than to choose fast fashion, our desire to look good with ease can lead to bad choices. thredUP has the answer! The world’s largest online secondhand shopping store, thredUP supplies stylish, affordable fashion with a smaller environmental imprint. Win-win.

Conscious fashion looks awesome.


Making refilling easier than recycling.
Plastic is killing our oceans but we still rely on it. How can we buy less plastic but not lose quality of life? Splosh has a solution — & it’s actually easier for the consumer: high-quality cleaning products delivered to you in refillable, life-time bottles. Order your products online > clean your home & clothes > order refills. Zero-waste, simplified.

Time to wash away plastic waste!


Party for good.

Let’s be frank: sustainability can be a real party-pooper. With glitter, plastic cups & paper plates now outlawed, a birthday arrives with a slice of guilt & dollop of shame. Don’t worry, though, Susty Party has your back! They provide sustainable, compostable alternatives for everything you’ll need to entertain. Even better, they partner with disability charities meaning your purchases help a good cause. Social credibility enhanced.    

You can go to the ball.