Sustainable Scrapbook Vol. 002

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Discover a sustainable phone that’s fair, an African art tour and a bag that’s bananas.

Welcome to Vol.002 of The Sustainable Scrapbook: Poapoa’s fortnightly newsletter helping you discover the latest sustainability news, apps, products & ideas.

We believe that for our grandchildren to inherit a beautiful world, the change makers need to be heard.

This is our way of sharing their voice with you.

sustainable phone in hand

The world’s first ethical modular smartphone

The smartphone industry relies heavily on mined minerals from exploited emerging countries and making you buy a new phone every year. Fairphone realised there was a lot that could be improved. 

See Fairphone’s game changing device.

hackathon for sustainable giving

Looking to get yourself a new laptop?

Here’s what to do with your old one. Hack Your Future is a coding school for refugees where computer programming and how to get a job in software development is taught. They need your old laptop. So instead of throwing your old one away, make sure it has a new lease of life with someone who is transforming their life.

Learn about Hack Your Future.

african art gallery
Your personal tour of the world’s leading African art

1-54 is the leading international art fair dedicated to contemporary art from Africa and its diaspora, which returned for its sixth edition at Somerset House in London between the 4-7 October 2018.In case you missed out, here’s your own 360 tour for the small screen.

Get inspired by African art.

man stripping bamboo for sustainable bags

The story of the bag made from bananas.

Swiss brand Qwstion have managed to replace the traditional polymer based tough fabric used for bags with banana plants. The fabric is grown using zero fertilisers or pesticides and is 100% biodegradable. The result and the process of how they got there is a thing of beauty.

Watch how Qwstion made a banana bag.

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