The Sustainable Scrapbook – Vol. 006

Volume 006                                                     21st January 2019

Welcome to Vol.006 of The Sustainable Scrapbook: Poapoa’s bi-weekly newsletter helping you discover the people, products and ideas leading the way to a sustainable planet.

We believe that for future generations to inherit a beautiful world, the change makers need to be heard.

This is our way of sharing their voice with you.


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Charity shopping in the palm of your hand

With the fashion industry emerging as one of the most polluting, One Cherry aims to make sustainable second-hand shopping convenient for everyone. Their app enables you to browse charity shop stock on your phone making it easier to buy used treasures rather than always buying brand new.

Second-hand bargains await!

What’s your diet’s carbon footprint?

We all want to decrease our carbon footprint but, without adequate knowledge, it’s hard to know what works best. Well, according to new scientific studies, eating less meat and dairy is a good place to start, and this handy calculator from the BBC can help you to see the difference you’ll make.

To discover the climate impact of what you eat and drink, click the link.

Food Carbon Calculator 

Feast your mind

Tonight, lay back with a mug of Fairtrade tea and feed your mind some enlightened viewing. 

Here are five documentaries made by social entrepreneurs. They’re designed to inspire, inform and, fundamentally, bring positive change.

Who knows? — Tonight you’re watching an inspiring doco, and tomorrow you’re down a wikipedia rabbit hole, shunning fast fashion or starting your own heart-felt project.

Binge-watch & learn

Refugees find their voice

Every refugee carries with them incredible knowledge on a topic thousands of UK students want to learn: their language. Chatterbox is a social enterprise set up for refugees to deliver language courses to UK students.

Find out more or book a lesson