The Sustainable Scrapbook – Vol. 007


Welcome to Vol.007 of The Sustainable Scrapbook: Poapoa’s fortnightly newsletter helping you discover the latest sustainability news, apps, products & ideas.

We believe that for our grandchildren to inherit a beautiful world, the change makers need to be heard.

This is our way of sharing their voice with you.

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Fish-free fish ‘n’ chips

Traditional British fare re-imagined by meat-free Merlins, Quorn. The world’s desire for fish has seen ocean’s over-fished & heavily polluted leaving once plentiful fish stocks replaced by industrial fishing equipment. Quorn’s fishing-free solution is a victory for all, no matter their dietary habits.

Why not give it a try? You might just love it.

NASA… for your living room

The super-brains at NASA have a few difficult questions to answer for in terms of their global emissions; however, they have been wonderful enough to provide us with a list of the best house plants for air filtration.

So deck out your living room like the space station and breathe easy.

Check out the best air filtering plants on Earth

12 apps for ethical shopping

This incredible list features 12 invaluable apps for any conscious consumer. From clothing donations & swap-shops to ethical alternatives & farm-box deliveries, there’ll be an app or two to help you make a difference.

Shop better with ease

The art and science of Japanese Forest Bathing

We all know being in the great outdoors makes us feel better. But what if time in the forest was proven to improve health and well-being?

In the 1980’s the Japanese made waking in forests (AKA Forest Bathing) a national public health programme. Now science has proven the secret power that lies under the leaves.

Walk to wellness